KARATE BULL FIGHTER-1977-Sonny Chiba plays another unbeatable Karate drifter in this standard Martial Arts drama from Japan that's actually based on the real life of a Korean fighter who changed his name to Mas Oyama and founded the Kyokushin Karate Organization in 1953.
After killing a bull with his bare hands, Chiba wanders around the countryside getting into trouble with various dojos. Later he befriends a young boy (and beats up his father) and has to fight a bear (man in a bad costume)! There are lots of fights, some blood and Chiba gives his classic stare at the camera several times.
KARATE BEAR FIGHTER-(Kyokushin Buraiken)-This is actually a sequel to the above title with Shinichi “known as Sonny in The US" Chiba. Everyone is on his case because he’s such a great Karate fighter especially a certain Dojo. He beats up all the students. He beats up a father who abuses his son and helps the boy fish. (and catches them with his bare hands) For some reason he must fight a bear to get money for the injured father. Since he once killled a bull barehanded fighting a bear seems like a reasonable task I guess! Chiba does his usual staring and fights a lot.
KARATE FOR LIFE-1977-Sonny Chiba returns for the third time as Karate master Mas Oyama in the last of this martial arts trilogy based on a real person. It’s the best of the 3 with some great and violent fights. Oyama beats up a Karate school and gets involved in pro-wrestling and gangsters. Director Kazuhiko Yamaguchi made all three in the series.

Thanks for reading!
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