I BURY THE LIVING-1958-A department store owner (Richard Boone, the same year he started his hit western HAVE GUN WILL TRAVEL on TV) has to take over the operation of a cemetery for one year. The centerpiece of the dingy office is a large map of all the burial plots. Black pins in the map indicate that the plots are “occupied”, while white pins signify the owners are still living. When Boone accidentally puts black pins into the plot of a couple still alive, they die a few hours later. This happens several more times until Boone begins to think he has some kind of power over life and death. It’s a fairly interesting thriller (I’ve heard Stephen King says it’s one of his favorite movies..) but has a pretty improbable resolution..
Theodore Bikel (in terrible old man make-up) plays the soon to be retired caretaker. He was in THE DEFIANT ONES the same year. Also with Peggy Maurer, Robert Osterloh, Herbert Anderson (one year away from playing Mr. Mitchell on the long running DENNIS THE MENACE TV show), Cyril Delevanti and Russ Bender.
Director Albert Band (Father of Charles & Richard) made the seldom seen FACE OF FIRE with Cameron Mitchell the same year.
The once mighty Jack P. Pierce did the make-up for I BURY THE LIVING.
Writer Louis Garfinkle later co-wrote THE DEERHUNTER.
Thanks for reading!
I'm not quite sure what it is about this movie but I've always like it a lot. You're right about the ending, though.
I think Boone in the lead might have something to do with it. He's an under rated actor in my book.
Not sure. I think this is the only horror movie he did so I haven't seen much of his work. The premise is pretty original so that helps.
Ha! It's funny you mention it being Boone's only horror film. It probably is but years later he was in a weird "movie of the week" type film called I think "The Last Dinosaur" where a T-Rex is discovered on an island he goes to hunt it. Something like that. The thing I remember most is how cheap and phony the dinosaur was! I'm gonna look for that one!
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