Monday, February 18, 2013

Sid Haig: King of Vampires

BROTHERHOOD OF BLOOD-2007-Vampire hunters (lead by Jason Connery and Victoria Pratt) fight vampires in another weird, full of itself torture-horror-bullshit. Vampires whisper a lot and people get killed. There are some scenes (including DAWN OF THE DEAD's Ken Foree) where the hunters torture the vampires in a switcheroo from the usual garbage. The only real highlight is Sid Haig as the ranting old vampire leader (with too many fangs in his mouth) who fears his deceased (?) undead brother Vlad Kossei has been resurrected and wants revenge. 

The movie's two directors Micheal Roesch and Peter Scheerer later teamed for ALONE IN THE DARK II.

Thanks for reading!

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