Friday, July 29, 2022

It Happened Again!


SLEEPAWAY CAMP 3:TEENAGE WASTELAND-1989-Angela (Pamela Springsteen) returns. This time she kills a girl going to a sleep away camp and impersonates her (she runs the girl over with a garbage truck in broad daylight and no one notices). There are two groups at the camp: one of "privileged" kids and one of snotty street punks. They're all jerks. And Michael J. Pollard is one of the camp owners! Angela's first murder is by giving a reporter tainted cocaine. The most gruesome but funny death is when she puts the female owner neck deep in a garbage pit then runs over her head with a lawn mower! Although most of the deaths are pretty macabre. The end sets a sequel that fortunately was never made. 

Kudos to director Michael Simpson for giving up on this misguided series which some see as a black comedy. I see it as junk...

Thanks for reading!

PS: I just read there is a part 4 so beware!

Unhappy Sequel



SLEEPAWAY CAMP 2: UNHAPPY CAMPERS -1988-The little girl/boy murderer from the original is back but now she's Angela (Pamela Springsteen) a woman thanks to an operation she had at the insane asylum. She now works at a camp for her Uncle John (Walter Gotell). She's cheerful but strict and goes off when she catches the overage dorks fooling around. Only Molly (Rene Estevez) seems to like her. When John fires her she really goes berserk and kills everyone including two young kids. 

This typical '80's slasher movie with death by burning and latrine has a terrible metal hair band soundtrack but slips a Dead Milkmen song into one scene. Producer/director Michael Simpson also made a sequel.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, July 24, 2022



YONGARY, MONSTER FROM THE DEEP-1967-After some stuff about a scientist being called back to work from his honeymoon and an astronaut coming back from space, Korea is threatened by a massive earthquake which turns out to be the legendary giant reptile Yongary until now thought to be a myth. It crashes through the countryside while a group of scientists and the army try to stop it with the help (?) of Iro, a young boy who at one point dances with the giant! This is an entertaining giant monster movie directed by Ki-Duk Kim.

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Saturday, July 23, 2022

The Aztec Mummy Strikes Back!


THE CURSE OF THE AZTEC MUMMY-1957-In this sequel to THE AZTEC MUMMY (made earlier in '57), Dr. Krupp (Luis Aceves Castenada) aka The Bat is sprung from jail by his gang led by Tierno. Krupp is still after the necklace and breastplate the mummy Popoca (Angel Di Stefani) is guarding. They invade the home of Dr. Almada (Ramon Gay) and kidnap his wife Flor (Rosita Arenas) because under hypnotism she was regressed and turns out she was Popoca's love, Xochitl. Also thrown in is a masked "El Santo" crime fighter called "The Angel". After Krupp awakens the mummy by stealing the sacred objects. Popoca inadvertently saves the good guys by beating up the gang and throwing Krupp into a pit of snakes. 

This is a wacky sequel that looks more like it was made 10 years earlier. Every one runs around a lot and Popoca is pretty scary. The director Rafael Portillo also made the second sequel THE ROBOT VS THE AZTEC MUMMY and many more movies in Mexico.

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What Did She Say?



THE CASTLE-1997-If you're familiar with the novels and short stories of Czech writer Franz Kafka you might enjoy this long authentic adaptation of his famous unfinished novel. K (Ulrich Muhe), a land surveyor is summoned to a town possibly for a job but can make no headway with the mysterious bureaucracy of The Castle. Be in for a surprise if you don't know how the novel ends because this Austrian production ends the very same way. I think the makers of Blair Witch saw this! It was directed by Michael Hanneke for Austrian TV. He later made THE PIANO TEACHER and TIME OF THE WOLF.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Wood Bait



JAILBAIT-1954-Weird guitar & piano music is the only soundtrack. Police arrest Don Gregor (Clancy Malone, a former delivery boy in his one and only movie) for carrying an unlicensed gun. His sister Marilyn (Dolores Fuller) bails him out and defends him against the warnings of Inspector Johns (Lyle Talbot) and Lt. Lawrence (Steve Reeves). "How can a great doctor have such a jerk for a son?". Their father is Dr. Gregor (Herbert Rawlinson), a famous plastic surgeon, who doesn't seem too concerned despite knowing sonny is involved with gangster Vic Brady (Timothy Farrell). He does get upset when he finds Don has taken his gun. Later Don and Brady rob a movie theater for its payroll and Don kills the night watchman (Bud Osbourne) while Brady shoots a female employee (Mona McKinnon). Later the dumb but deadly duo hideout at the home of Loretta (Tedi Thurman), Brady's girlfriend. Don's conscience gets the best of him and he confesses everything to dad and promises to give himself up. After Brady kills Don he sort of forces the doctor to give him a new face which he does. One that ensures he'll be captured by the police. 

Wood regulars Don Nagel and Conrad Brooks have small roles but Timothy Farrell steals the show as the sleazy Brady who says thing like “You're a dumb dame” and “Shut up you”. Herbert Rawlinson was suffering from advanced lung cancer during the production and died just a few days after it's completion. The flamenco guitar and piano soundtrack was taken from MESA OF LOST WOMEN (1953). Some versions feature a black face routine dance number also from another film.

Ed Wood's next film would be BRIDE OF THE MONSTER!

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Girls with Guns



GUN GIRLS-1957-Girl gangs are the trouble this time. Nice girls from decent families committing armed robbery for kicks. Con artist Joe (Timothy Farrell;his role is identical to the one in GIRL GANG)) sells guns to two girls, Teddy (Jeanne Ferguson) and Dora (Jacqueline Park) deal in larceny and stolen goods. He romances semi-innocent Joy Jenkins (top billed Eve Brent) to set up a robbery in the warehouse where she works. The girls rob the place, conk a guard and leave behind some clues and only get 14 dollars for their trouble! Deciding to leave town they steal Joe's money then Joy drops a bombshell. She's pregnant with Joe's kid! Joe of course rejects her and she shoots him. Teddy and Dora wreck their getaway car. Dora has a long scene on her deathbed and the story ends with a police lineup of tough girls and the narrator asking if one of them could be yours. 

Harry Keaton (also on GIRL GANG) plays Joe's henchman Luke and Barbara Weeks (from Wood's THE VIOLENT YEARS) plays Teddy's mother. More low budget sleazy crime drama morality from director Robert C. Dertano (it was his last movie}. A year after making this movie lead actress Eve Brent was cast as Jane to Gordon Scott's Tarzan in TARZAN'S FIGHT FOR LIFE.

Thanks for reading!

Girls In Gangs


GIRL GANG-1954-4 girls rob a guy and steal his car. They take it to greasy drug pusher Joe (Timothy Farrell) who sells them joints except for one girl who wants a shot of heroin. Joe shows another girl how to shoot up and his heroin addicted lackey brings over a couple of "green horns". "Weeds today. Shots tomorrow". Later "the kids" have a pot party that leads to dancing and sex. One girl has sex with her employer and then Joe and his abortion doctor lackey Doc Bradford (Harry Keaton; also in Ed Woods' THE SINISTER URGE) blackmail him with a rape charge. Joe sets up a daylight robbery of a gas station. It doesn't go too well. One guy is shot and killed and one of the girls is wounded badly. She's dragged back to Joe's place where Doc attempts to remove the bullet. She dies. The remaining two girls have a cat fight. The police arrive and arrest everyone and Doc while trying to escape is shot in the back. 

Despite the drug injection scenes any seriousness is lost with all the dumb situations and dialogue trying to "out Wood" Ed Wood but Farrell's performance as the grouchy sleazy pusher Joe is worth watching! Director Robert C. Dertano made RACKET GIRLS (also with Farrell).

Thanks for reading!