Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Girls In Gangs


GIRL GANG-1954-4 girls rob a guy and steal his car. They take it to greasy drug pusher Joe (Timothy Farrell) who sells them joints except for one girl who wants a shot of heroin. Joe shows another girl how to shoot up and his heroin addicted lackey brings over a couple of "green horns". "Weeds today. Shots tomorrow". Later "the kids" have a pot party that leads to dancing and sex. One girl has sex with her employer and then Joe and his abortion doctor lackey Doc Bradford (Harry Keaton; also in Ed Woods' THE SINISTER URGE) blackmail him with a rape charge. Joe sets up a daylight robbery of a gas station. It doesn't go too well. One guy is shot and killed and one of the girls is wounded badly. She's dragged back to Joe's place where Doc attempts to remove the bullet. She dies. The remaining two girls have a cat fight. The police arrive and arrest everyone and Doc while trying to escape is shot in the back. 

Despite the drug injection scenes any seriousness is lost with all the dumb situations and dialogue trying to "out Wood" Ed Wood but Farrell's performance as the grouchy sleazy pusher Joe is worth watching! Director Robert C. Dertano made RACKET GIRLS (also with Farrell).

Thanks for reading!

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