HUMAN TIMEBOMB from 1995 stars Bryan Genesse (who co-starred with Carl Weathers on the 1991 TV crime show STREET JUSTICE) as an FBI agent battling Cuba drug lords. The head mobster plants a micro-chip in him that turns him into an assassin. With the help of a female lawyer (J. Cynthia Brooks) he rebels. Video vet Joe Lara is the control freak villian. The usual car chases, shootouts and explosions abound. Director Mark Roper later did a lot of syndicated TV shows like CONAN THE BARBARIAN and RELIC HUNTER.

What's worst than seeing a bad movie on cable? Seeing a bad movie on cable and then seeing it in the movies a year later under another name!!!
This was my fate when I happened to view a creaky low budget murder mystery called DELUSION on cable one night around 1980. The story concerns a woman (Patricia Pearcy from SQUIRM) who goes to work for invalid Joseph Cotton and people in his household start getting murdered. Everyone's a suspect! Who's doing it? Cotton's brain damaged son? How about his weird grandson? The drunk butler? The gardener? The lawyer? Maybe the maid? Even though the film makers try to be different you can pretty much figure out the twist ending as not many of the cast survive! Gets an A for effort I guess.
But that is not the end!
(It never is...)
A year or so later I went to a double feature at a local theater. For those of you who don't remember, a double feature was when a movie house showed two movies for the price of one! Really! They used to do that! Anyway, I don't even remember what the main feature was but the second feature was called THE HOUSE WHERE DEATH DWELLS. I was all set for some great unheard of low budget tomfoolery and what do I get?
You got it!
DELUSION under another name........
Thanks for reading!
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