THE SAVAGE SEVEN-AIP-(1968)-How good could a 60's biker flick produced by Dick Clark be? Well...not bad actually! Adam Roarke is Kisum, the leader of a violent beer drinking, pot smoking motorcycle gang that invades a town of impoverished American Indians (led by Robert Walker Jr. and Max Julien!).
At first they cause a lot of trouble but later on decide to help out against the town boss and his underlings. Things go their way pretty much until a local girl is raped and killed. After the suspected gang member is crucified by some locals The Bikers attack for an allegorical (sometimes unintentionally funny) "cowboys vs. indians" style battle until the real kiler is exposed!
THE SAVAGE SEVEN's director Richard Rush had made another biker movie HELL'S ANGELS ON WHEELS (1967) which starred Roarke (and Jack Nicholson) and several other SAVAGE SEVEN actors: Richard Anders, John Garwood and John "Bud" Carlos. He also made the bizarre PSYCH-OUT (with Julien, Roarke and Nicholson).
After this Rush's output slowed down considerablely. He made only 5 movies between 1970-2000. His most well known film THE STUNTMAN was plagued with trouble.
THE SAVAGE SEVEN also marked the screen debut of Penny Marshall. The soundtrack features songs by Iron Butterfly and Cream.
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