Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hammer In India

THE STRANGLERS OF BOMBAY-1959-This black and white Hammer production takes place in India in the 1830's when the country was still under British control. Capt. Harry Lewis (Guy Rolfe who starred DR. SARDONICUS the next year) investigates the disappearance of caravans belonging to the East India Company. The culprits are The Thuggees,a murderous cult that worship the god Kali and strangle their victims with "the sacred cloth". 

It's fairly gruesome for the time with eyes burned out,severed hands, torture and Lewis staked to the ground while a cobra attacks. Alan Cuthberson is the pompous Captain who's actually in charge and Roger Delgado (the first Master on the original DR.WHO) has an un-credited role. Director Terence Fisher made THE MUMMY,THE MAN WHO COULD CHEAT DEATH and THE HOUND OF THE BASKERVILLES the same year. Screenwriter David Zelag Goodman later wrote STRAW DOGS,LOGAN'S RUN and other high profile productions. 

Thanks for reading!