Sunday, April 15, 2012

Happy Evil Year

NEW YEAR'S EVIL-1980-I loved the '80's but after watching this typical
slasher bullshit nonsense I realize why young people today might hate
the decade!

In this story a very famous "rock star" Diane Sullivan (Roz Kelly) is hosting a late night countdown for the song of the year. Her son (Grant Cramer) pops pills and acts weird while people are killed and a stupid band called Made In Japan plays. The killer calls in and plays a tape of him killing a victim while using disguised voice.  Of course lots of characters act like idiots to try and make you wonder who the killer is when it is revealed in the very first killing.

The acting is very bad and the script very cliched but it was mostly typical of the time. There are some
unintentionally funny scenes and the phony punk rock trash disco fans are likened to patients in a mental intuition.

Also with Kip Niven, Chris Wallace (also in DON'T ANSWER THE PHONE), John Alderman and Teri Copley. Director Emmett Alston also made DEMONWARP and several movies with "ninja" in the title. A Menahem Golan-Yoram Globus production.

Thanks for reading!

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