Monday, January 27, 2014

More Fu

DEADEND BESEIGERS-1992-A Japanese martial artist named Wuwechimatao (Chinese actor Rongguang Yu from IRON MONKEY; recently in THE KARATE KID remake) travels to China to learn Chinese kung-fu. When he gets there he realizes the boat he's been on is actually a pirate ship who's crew have come to plunder a village. He saves a little girl and the pirates try to kill him. When one of the villagers gives him a bone to gnaw on he thanks them in Japanese so they think he's one of the pirates and beat him up. The little girl saves his ass several times, hides him in a cave, gives him food and teaches him Chinese (the first phrase she teaches him is "I am a son of a bitch"!). Later he meets the little girl's sister Cui Gu (Cynthia Khan) who is a master of the dog fist style of kung-fu. A flashback reveals why he came to China. He was beaten up and humiliated by "a foreigner" (real martial arts champion Dale Cook, who's hilarious) dressed like a cross between one of the Dutch Masters and Little Lord Flaunteroy. He considers suicide but is told by a Shaolin monk to go to China. Cui Gu agrees to teach him. After some training he overhears some of the pirates plotting to steal a treasure but the villagers beat him up and almost behead him! They nail him shut in a coffin (although this is actually done to save him). Later he convinces the whole village to fight the pirates. As usual the finale (in a burning warehouse) is great!


Thanks for reading!Fu

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