Sunday, August 18, 2024




MOVIE IN ACTION-1987-An American film crew is making a war movie in Thailand. Out of nowhere,the leading lady Susan (Chantal Mansefield) is kidnapped by a gun toting gang of locals. When the authorities are slow to act, the director (Bo Swenson) decides he and his film crew should rescue her. After they rob the Thailand Army base, a few of them go to Cambodia to rescue Susan. The director seems to think they have a good chance of making it. I don't know why he'd think that. They all seem like a bunch of kooks. The group consists of the lead star (who kind of knows martial arts), the makeup woman, the sfx guy, cameraman and the soundman. There's a big ridiculous shootout at a remote army base and it's revealed the producer of their movie is behind all the shenanigans. 

Pretty outrageous senseless action drama. Director Teddy Lee also used the name Teddy Page as well as the names Ted Johnson, Teddy Chiu, Teddy Chuck and others.

Thanks for reading!

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