a coastal village where demons prowl its shores, Kai (Allyson Ames),
a very successful succubus leads many to hell. But she feels her
powers are being wasted and wants a big score despite the warnings
from her sister Amael (Eloise Hardt). Kai sets her sights on Marc
(pre-Kirk William Shatner), a soldier recovering from a wound. While
he walks with his sister Arndis (Ann Atmar), Kai follows Marc. Once
again Amael warns her. Kai pretends to be a lost traveler and meets
Marc and Arndis on their farm. During a brief eclipse, Kai seems to
enchant Marc. After lovemaking, Kia falls asleep and Marc carries her
home. Meanwhile Arndis has gone blind from looking at the eclipse and
wanders in the woods. For some reason Marc takes Kia to a church and
she freaks out. Amael urges sis to seek revenge for being violated.
They unleash the incubus. It rapes and kills Ardnis but in its showdown with Marc, Marc seems to slay it. But it isn't dead. When
the incubus confronts Marc and Kia at the church, she renounces the
devil and makes the sign of the cross which turns the incubus into a
goat. Not exactly sure what to make of the ending.
INCUBUS was the
second feature to be made in the artificial language of Esperanto
(the first was a film called ANGOROJ, filmed in 1964). There's a
difference of opinion as to why Esperanto was used but director
Leslie Stevens (creator of TV's THE OUTER LIMITS, which had been
canceled by ABC in 1965) says it was just to give the film “an
eerie, other worldly feeling”. One the film's cinematographers,
Conrad Hall went on to win 3 Academy Awards for his work. The film is
a weird concoction and sometimes feels like a horror movie made
Ingmar Bergman (not sure if this is a complement...).
The film was
heavily criticized by speakers of Esperanto because of the actors' pronunciations and accents although this should have been a trivial
matter since the film wasn't made to promote
the language. Added to that the actor who played the incubus, Milos
Milos killed himself and his girlfriend (the estranged wife of Mickey
Rooney) shortly after the film was released, the film could not find
a distributor in the US.
Once thought a lost film, a damaged print
surfaced in France in 1996 and The Sci-Fi Channel (now called SyFy)
sponsored the restoration, an admirable effort but let's face it, if
Capt. Bill hadn't been the lead this would have been left to
Thanks for reading!